Today, March 4, 2021, His Holiness Pope Francis has accepted my resignation from the Office of the Bishop of Charlottetown. This happens in accord with Canon Law, which states that Bishops must submit their resignation at seventy-five so that another may be appointed by the Holy Father. Of course I remain a Bishop because of the sacrament of Holy Orders. The mission of the Diocese will soon be in the hands of a new Bishop. In the meantime, the College of Consultors of the Diocese will elect a Diocesan Administrator. He (a priest of the Diocese) will administer the Diocese until the appointment of a new Bishop. This new Administrator will be announced within the next two weeks.
Since December I have been in failing health and recently when told of the diagnosis, I requested your prayerful support. I am most grateful for your prayers, kindness and thoughtful support. By co-incidence or by providence today on the occasion of my seventy- fifth birthday I begin a four month program of chemotherapy. This follows a week-long radiation program which helped the painful symptoms considerably. With confidence in your prayers and the medical information that a high percentage of patients achieve remission, I hope to be able to resume ministry as a retired Bishop.
I was looking forward to celebrate with you the occasion of my 75thas well as my retirement. The plan was to host festive occasions and Eucharistic celebrations throughout the Diocese to give praise to God with you and to offer farewells. This would have happened in compliance with the Public Health regulations that realistically would have minimized our numbers and our events. Perhaps, if my chemo works well and the pandemic restrictions are relaxed I may be able to join with you in welcoming back our social freedom and new opportunity to participate in the Sacred Liturgy. I am keeping my eye on that glorious possibility throughout my chemo and I dare to hope that I will be able to join with you celebrating together, in large numbers, joyfully in thanking God for our deliverance.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Richard Grecco Bishop of Charlottetown